
 The use of English English has always been a problem for me, not because I do not like it but because I feel very insecure when I speak it. These last weeks have been very complicated because of all my classes and this new way of taking class on line but I must admit english classes were more relaxing. I guess the fact that I didnt feel under scrutiny or pressured so much was a lot of help for me. The blogs have been interesting especially when I have read my class mates work. The subjects have been easy to write about as the contents have all been of personal knowledge. I really think I must improve my spoken english, everytime I have to speak in english I get very nervous and forget everyting I want to say. During next year if everything goes according to plan I will travel to england for a month and will do the impossible to practice everyday I am there, even if I dont want to practice I will have no choice, who will understand me if I speak in spanish. Outside of english class I d
 My future Job In fourth year of Arquitecture we are asked to pick a speciality related to our career, this is when we start thinking about what we would like to do, in what we wish to work. If we want to work in urbanism, or if we prefer a job where we can relate more to people, public politics, economy or history. The last is where I come in, the last courses I have taken in the universirty have all been related to patromony, history and rehabilitation of buildings, due to my interest in these subjects I have decided to focus my bachelors degree on patromony. I would also like this to be my principal focus in my profesional life.  I have long-term and short-term plans, to begin with I would like to work in council offices, in their culture áreas. I have been Reading the requirements to carry out my training period in the council of national monuments, if this does not work out it would be great to start working in Santiagos main coucil office. At long-term i would like to transmit
  Food There is a variety of meals that I enjoy eating but what I really like to eat is seafood. I love crabcakes, it is a perfect starter to any meal, lobster is very expensive so I have only tried it on a few occasions. Squid rings are delicious, especially when accompanied with fresh salads. Even though seafood is so tasty it is not something I eat on a regular basis. My day to day meals are mostly chilean, for example, stews are great when it is cold and when it is summer my favorite dish is "pastel de cholo". in English it would be called corn cake. It is a mixture of chicken and minced meat with finely chopped onion, this is layed out in a dish and covered with a layer of corn. When it comes down to eating something different I prefer chinese even though I am sure there are many meals that are not prepared in chinese restaurant in Chile. Fast food used to be a treat but since I started university it has become quite a habit. I don't like it very much but with all my
Valar Morghulis Choosing to write about a serial or a movie is not a difficult decision nowadays. This is due to the fact that most young people have grown up watching the same serials throungh the net or on Netflix. On some ocassions these serials have even become part of our growing up. Serials have pushed aside classics and have changed the 90 mins of a movie to years of expectations to marathons of episodes and many nights sitting in front of the TV. I think that most of us serial addicts have a list of our favorite serials. After giving  it much thought my list is made up of at least 7 favorites; Game of thrones, Dark, Breaking Bad, Criminal Minds, The walking Dead, Mind Hunter, Vikings, Cable Girls. . Today I will tell you about a serial, which for me is the best of all times "Game of thrones", even though it has received a so many critics since it ended. At the begining Game of Thrones was thought to be of the best serials in it's time. In my opinion this was due t
The best music ever Hi, I’m going to talk about music in general. Nowadays music isn’t what it used to be, at least not in my opinion. My younger brother and sister like trap music. They listen to it nearly all day when they are home. I don’t like it, the lyrics are so empty and they always sing about sex. They usually treat women like trash and when it is a female singer they treat men really bad.  My mother lives in the past when it comes to music, she listens to 80’s music. Madonna is one of her favorite singers along with George Michaels, she loves Queen and Pink Floyd from the 70’s, and before them she likes The Beatles and Creedence. The good thing is that she doesn’t usually listen to music or we would be hearing her everyday singing along to her favorites and dancing. I must admit I also like Queen and Pink Floyd. Once again there is no comparing these musicians to those that exist nowadays. Now for me, I love the King, Elvis Presley, not just him but obviously his music too. I
  A Trip to England Hello, my name is Michelle and I am going to talk about a possible future trip. My grandmother who lives in London invited my family, my partner, my daughter and me to visit her. This is a dream come true, I have always wanted to visit England. As I am studing architecture I think London is a perfect place to get to know traditional constructions. I really want to visit all museums and see the parks that date far back into the past. I want to travel in trains and the London underground. If possible I want to go to France. My grandmother says it's very cheap to travel in Europe. It must be exiting to pass from England to France underneath the channel. My daughter wants to see the Eiffel Tower and the French Disney World. I hope this trip takes place as soon as possible. Because of the epidimic we have been living during this year, traveling abroad is very dificult. I guess we will have to wait and see.