A Trip to England

Hello, my name is Michelle and I am going to talk about a possible future trip. My grandmother who lives in London invited my family, my partner, my daughter and me to visit her. This is a dream come true, I have always wanted to visit England. As I am studing architecture I think London is a perfect place to get to know traditional constructions. I really want to visit all museums and see the parks that date far back into the past. I want to travel in trains and the London underground. If possible I want to go to France. My grandmother says it's very cheap to travel in Europe. It must be exiting to pass from England to France underneath the channel. My daughter wants to see the Eiffel Tower and the French Disney World.

I hope this trip takes place as soon as possible. Because of the epidimic we have been living during this year, traveling abroad is very dificult. I guess we will have to wait and see.


  1. Hello friend, I find your trip very interesting, I know that you would have a wonderful time if you go, so I look forward to it that you can do it with your family and be able to save those beautiful memories.

  2. Your whole trip to England and France sounds great, and I also believe that its structures will help you a lot with the field of architecture. Hopefully one day I too can travel to England.


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