My future Job

In fourth year of Arquitecture we are asked to pick a speciality related to our career, this is when we start thinking about what we would like to do, in what we wish to work. If we want to work in urbanism, or if we prefer a job where we can relate more to people, public politics, economy or history. The last is where I come in, the last courses I have taken in the universirty have all been related to patromony, history and rehabilitation of buildings, due to my interest in these subjects I have decided to focus my bachelors degree on patromony. I would also like this to be my principal focus in my profesional life. 

I have long-term and short-term plans, to begin with I would like to work in council offices, in their culture áreas. I have been Reading the requirements to carry out my training period in the council of national monuments, if this does not work out it would be great to start working in Santiagos main coucil office. At long-term i would like to transmit my knowledge about the history of arquitectura and the best way to do this is teaching in the university so at some point in my life i would like to be a teacher specialized in patromony. To achieve this, after finishing my university career, I want to study a post degree in patrimonial reconstruction and in this way keep on complementing my previous knowledge. 

On the other hand I think it is always important to learn about other subjects in this way one is open to other types of work. Here in Chile its difficult to get started in a good job without knowing people in higher places so thats why we should always have more than one option.


  1. Wow, I find it great that you want to work in the heritage field of architecture, normally many people look for the modern and the new, go abroad and succeed with new things, but few people are interested in heritage and that is something unique and special ^^


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